Standards of Behavior
The primary goal relating to student behavior is to develop a sense of responsibility such that the student develops an internal desire to observe acceptable behavior patterns. The responsibility of obtaining this objective rests first and foremost at home. The school also has a responsibility to work in every possible way toward this goal. The home and school, working as a team, should coordinate efforts. QSI hopes this results in positive attitudes toward the school and country.
Standards of Behavior
Standards of behavior are outlined as follows in order for the students and parents to know what is expected and what is emphasized:
- Students are expected to be kind to others and should consider the feelings of others. Verbal unkindness and physical abuse are not accepted.
- Students are expected to be honest in all matters.
- A warm relationship is expected between faculty and students. Student interests, ideas, and opinions are to be heard and students are to be given respect. The teacher has authority when the students are under the school’s jurisdiction. Students are expected to give proper respect to faculty members. Any form of rudeness or insubordination should not be a part of student behavior.
- Students are expected to respect school property and property of others.
- Students are expected to use proper language. Profane, obscene, and otherwise unacceptable language is not permitted.
- Students are expected to attend all classes punctually and regularly.
Disciplinary Measures
When a student does not behave in a decent and acceptable manner, the following measures may be taken:
Teacher-Student: For a minor behavior problem, a word from the teacher may be sufficient. This may be a word of warning or explanation. Repeated behavior of this kind will be dealt with more seriously.
Teacher-Student-Administration-Parent: More serious behavior problems or repeated minor problems should be brought to the attention of the administration, and in some cases the parents are informed in writing of any action taken. Some possible actions which may be taken:
Counseling with a view to the following:
- Probing into the reason or reasons for the behavior.
- Bringing the student to see that his/her behavior is undesirable.
- Bringing the student to have a desire for change.
Separation for a short time from the class or other environment in which the behavior occurred.
In all cases, the student should think about his/her behavior and in some cases submit a written commitment with a view to improved behavior. In the event that a student does not fulfill a written commitment, the problem may be dealt with through the following administration measures:
- Administration-Student-Parent: Very serious behavior problems or continual repetitive minor misbehavior will be dealt with by the administration. Some possible actions:
- Counseling as suggested above.
- Group conference.
- Suspension from school for a designated period of time.
- Expulsion.
In all cases of very serious behavior problems, the parents will be notified.
Interscholastic Activities
Participation in interscholastic activities is a privilege. Participation is not a requirement for graduation, and those who participate must give extra effort and time.
Because interscholastic activities are voluntary, and because those participating represent the school, it is mandatory that academic, citizenship, and sportsmanship standards be uncompromised. It is expected that each participant will be a good student and school citizen. He/she has the privilege of participating in a well-organized program that is of special interest to him/her and for which the school provides coaching, equipment, and facilities. Therefore, the selection process must not be based solely on performance, but must include scholarship, attitude, conduct, and cooperation. Each participant has an obligation to himself/herself, his/her school, his/her coach, and his/her team. Therefore, the selection process will deny participation to those who fail to meet the established standards. Interscholastic activities are not intended for rehabilitation, retraining, or reforming. Rather, the privilege of participation should be extended to those who have earned it in the classroom as well as on the playing field, court, track, or stage.
Ethics of Interscholastic Activities Program
It is the responsibility of all concerned with interscholastic activities:
- To offer an opportunity for students to apply the Success Orientation skills to an extra-classroom activity.
- To emphasize sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and fair play.
- To eliminate those factors that would destroy the values to be gained from participation in the activity program.
- To show courtesy to visiting teams, officials, and spectators.
- To respect the integrity and judgment of officials.
- To understand and uphold the rules of the game.
- To enforce school policy regarding eligibility and conduct.
- To encourage student leadership and skill development.
- To recognize and promote the purpose and intent of the activities program.
- To establish and maintain a mutually pleasant relationship between visitors and hosts.
- To maintain the perspective that a contest is not a matter of life or death for coaches, players, or schools.
Homework Policy
The purpose of homework is to practice skills taught in school or to prepare students for future skills. There are three acceptable categories of homework: practice (reinforcement), preparation, and extension or enrichment activities. Homework may be a prerequisite to taking a test for assessment.
Homework Will
- Be well-planned and complement classroom learning.
- Have immediate or timely feedback.
- Incorporate available resources, if research is assigned.
- Be meaningful and challenging.
- Include clear procedures and due dates for accomplishment.
- Be assigned in writing as well as verbally.
Specific Considerations
- If students feel overburdened with homework assignments, a “staffing” with teachers and administration may be used to determine homework guidelines for the school or individual student.
- Coordination should be maintained administratively so that excessive amounts of homework assignments are not given on any particular day.
- Homework assignments are legitimately used to qualify a student for preparation of mastery assessment.
- Parents are to be notified in writing (copy to the student folder) when it appears assignments are not being consistently completed.
- A homework assignment notebook is required for all students in the 9 year old class and above through Secondary IV.
Homework Should Not
- Require extensive teacher or parent direction or help.
- Repeatedly exclude students from joining family activities or other forms of childhood socialization.
- Be given as punishment.
Reading is key to present and future learning. We encourage students to spend 15 - 20 minutes of reading at their level for enjoyment after school to establish key habits that will hopefully last a lifetime. Make this a family time. When children see you read they will often mimic what you do.