Welcome to QSI Phuket (QSIP), a school deeply committed to the mission of challenging each student to succeed and inspiring them to become passionate learners prepared to adapt and contribute in a rapidly changing global world. QSIP was founded in 2000 and now enters the twenty-first year of operation on the beautiful island of Phuket. QSIP believes in its Success Orientations – Kindness & Politeness, Trustworthiness, Group Interaction, Aesthetic Appreciation, Concern for Others, Independent Endeavor, and Responsibility – that serve as a foundation for the learning experiences and prepares students to navigate their future successfully.
QSI Phuket is a not-for-profit American school. Our not-for-profit status enables QSIP to focus on the quality of education over satisfying investment expectations of shareholders. Tuition helps fund the cost of education to deliver on our mission dedicated to educating the whole student. As you learn about QSIP, you will begin to understand that we are a unique school. Our educational philosophy is based on Mastery Learning.
QSIP is more than just an academic institution. We care deeply about each student's social, emotional, and physical development and how our alumni are making their way in the world. We also value an open and honest relationship with our parents, where they are active partners in the growth of their children.
- We are a fully accredited school and have been since 2005. Middle States Association invests a lot of time and resources to examine schools before bestowing this honor. Our school has earned this honor from the Middle States Association for several years. We are the only school on island that is fully licensed by an American institution. http://www.middlestates.org/ http://www.msa-cess.org/
- We have legitimately small class sizes —in both the elementary and secondary, we have fewer than 15 students per classroom.
- Students receive an individualized education based upon their specific level of need and ability.
- We provide AP courses, Intensive English instruction at no extra cost, and abundant school activities without hefty additional fees.
- We promote Success Orientations, which are hallmarks of healthy character development.
- We are a diverse international school—we have nearly 20 different nationalities represented in our student body.
- We are part of an international school system, with schools in 35+ locations—if you move, your child can transfer with no additional registration costs, and their education will continue smoothly.
- Our graduates successfully attend major universities around the world.
- We are part of a non-profit system—our focus is not making money but on making a difference for the world.
- The atmosphere of our school is friendly and family-oriented.
On behalf of the entire QSI Phuket community, I look forward to assisting you in your interest in the school and your transition to our community.
Chris Fisher
Master's Education Leadership
Director QSI Phuket